Sunday, May 23, 2010

Online Ads
Buchanan, (2008) said that both men and women are using the media a lot, but women use it more than men. “The gender study estimates that 52%--or 91.2 million--of the 175.4 million Americans online this year will be female” (Eric Chabrow, 2005). He pointed out that “if advertisers want to reach her in that medium, they have to be in relationship-building mode.” Women have different purposes why they go on the Internet, and advertisers have to know these purposes so they can use them as a key to attract women to their ads. One way to target women online is to use celebrities to advertise the product. According to, the fashion industry is using this following message as a way to reach women “if a famous person wears this – it must be cool and therefore you must have it too!” This message is a guarantee for both the fashion industry and celebrities who do the modeling. Advertisers are looking for the most viewed websites by women and post their ads in the banner. These banners usually include pictures of beautiful celebrities who match the perfect modeling standards. Advertisers may also create an online version of a print magazine (, 2010).

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